Infant Massage Benefits for Parents/Caregivers
- Provides a positive way for mothers/fathers/caregivers to interact with their infants/children
- Provides all of the essential indicators of intimate parent-infant bonding and attachment
- Encourages pre-verbal communication between mothers/fathers/caregivers and infant
- Assist parents feel more confident and competent in caring for their children
- Release parents’ stress
- Provides a quality time for parents interacting with their children
- Enhance parents’ self-esteem by reinforcing and enhancing their skills as parents, and validates their role
- Educate parents how to read their infants’ cues and recognize their states of awareness
Infant Massage Benefits for Babies
- Provides a quality time of communication that fosters love, compassion, and respect
- Provides an intimate time for children to confide in parents
- Enhance overall functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
- Enhance babies self-regulate calm
- Strengthen babies’ muscle tone
- Enhances circulation
- Enhances immune system function
- Enhances midline orientation
- Enhances sensory and body awareness
- Enhances neurological development
- Helps baby/child to sleep deeper and more soundly
- Helps to relieve discomfort feeling
- Helps with congestion, gas, and colic
- Helps to weight gain.
- Reduces levels of cortisol, the stress hormone
- Provides all of the essential indicators of intimate parent-infant bonding and attachment: eye-to-eye, touch, voice, smell, movement, and thermal regulation.
- Stimulates all of the physiological systems. Massage sparks the neurons in their brains to grow and branch out to encompass other neurons.
- 提供一個優質的親子時間
- 促進父母與嬰兒之間溝通和互信
- 促進父母與嬰兒之間愛的表達
- 促進父母與嬰兒之間情感維繫
- 增加父母照顧嬰兒的信心
- 增進親子關係
- 減輕父母/照顧者之壓力
- 教育父母如何細閱他們的嬰兒的暗示和領悟他們的反應
- 透這個優質親子時間裏,令嬰兒感到被愛及尊重的關係
- 提昇嬰兒學習能力
- 提昇嬰兒血液循環及呼吸系統
- 提昇嬰兒睡眠質素和進食情況
- 提昇嬰兒消化吸收功能
- 改善嬰兒排便情況
- 促進嬰兒身體健康成長
- 提昇嬰兒身體抵抗力
- 提昇嬰兒身體活動能力
- 加強嬰兒觸覺感訓練
- 加強嬰兒肌張力
- 可吸引嬰兒注意力訓練
- 可緩解嬰兒煩躁不安之情緒
- 可改善嬰兒體重問題
- 刺激所有生理系統。 按摩在他們的腦子引起神經元增長和擴充包含其他神經元
- 可及早發現兒童成長問題
For more details about Touch Therapy